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Reflecting on a Term of Technology Integration in ELT

  GOODBYE EVERYONE 😖 As we reach the end of the term, it’s a great time to look back and reflect on the journey we’ve taken in exploring technology integration in English language teaching (ELT). This course has been eye-opening, reshaping my perspectives and enhancing my understanding of how technology can revolutionize the way we teach and learn English. INITIAL THOUGHTS VS. NOW  Before taking this course, my view of technology in ELT was somewhat limited. I saw it as a supplementary tool rather than a central component of language teaching. My thoughts have significantly changed over the term. I now see technology as an integral part of modern ELT, offering endless possibilities for creating engaging, interactive, and personalized learning experiences. This course has greatly contributed to my understanding of technology integration in several ways. The various tasks we completed, such as creating digital storytelling projects, using AI tools for writing enhancement, and exploring

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