Let's learn career plans of ELT Students!

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog!

For our recent assignment, my friend Nisa Hocaoğlu and I delved into the domain of English Language Teaching (ELT) to gain an understanding of the career aspirations of students within this field. Our chosen method was to conduct a vox-pop podcast, during which we interviewed 10 ELT students from Marmara University to gather their ideas and perspectives.

During our podcast, we delved into a crucial question: "What is your career plan after graduating from ELT?" The responses we gathered were diverse and reflective of the varied interests within the ELT community.


Three of the ten students we met with were very interested in becoming teachers because they were passionate about shaping the minds of future generations and sharing their knowledge. A student expressed interest in having a career as a translator.Another student aimed to work in an international company, showcasing the practical applications of an ELT background in diverse professional settings.

The variety of goals continued from there. One student was drawn to the tourism industry .Realizing the importance of language in literature and communication, some aspired to start their own publishing business, while others wanted to start their own English course.

Two students distinguished out for having strong academic goals. They wanted to get bachelor's degrees and eventually work in academia. Their objectives emphasized the ELT domain's rich academic tradition and promising future for research.

When we look back on the process of creating our podcast, we realized that planning interviews, writing scripts for questions, and audio editing was typical challenges. Despite these obstacles, Working with Nisa made the process joyful and enriching.

I would absolutely give my future students a task similar to this one because of the experience. These kinds of projects develop communication skills, inspire creativity, and provide priceless insights into potential career paths. However, in order to successfully overcome any obstacles, I would also stress the importance of careful planning and teamwork.

Without any further delay, here is our insightful vox-pop podcast, which features the voices and goals of ELT students;


A special thanks to Nisa for her collaboration on this project. Check out her blog  for more engaging content!

That's all for today. Thank you for joining me on this adventure! See you soon! 

Pelin Aybay


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