Collaborative Film Review Experience!

Collaborative Review of "Divergent"

For our Instructional Technology class, my group and I embarked on a fun project to review the movie "Divergent." Working with my friends Nisa Hocaoğlu and Eda Karaca, we used Google Docs to create and edit our review. Here's a bit about our experience and thoughts on using Google Docs for this collaborative task.

Our assignment was to write a film review aimed at university students. We chose "Divergent," a popular dystopian movie directed by Neil Burger and starring Shailene Woodley. Our review needed to cover the film's plot, key elements like acting and cinematography, and our overall opinion, all while ensuring we didn’t spoil the movie for those who haven’t seen it. We divided our review into four paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects of the film.

Using Google Docs for this project was a smooth and enjoyable experience. We divided the task so that each member was responsible for a specific part of the review. I wrote the second paragraph, summarizing the plot without giving away the ending. My peers focused on other sections, discussing elements like acting, direction, and our overall impressions.

Collaborating on Google Docs made everything so much easier. We could edit in real time, leave comments for each other, and ensure our writing flowed well together. The comment feature was convenient for quick feedback. For example, one friend suggested adding more detail to my plot summary, which helped make our review clearer and more engaging.

Overall, I found Google Docs to be an awesome tool for collaborative writing. It allowed us to work together seamlessly, even with our different schedules. The ability to see each other's edits and comments in real time fostered a sense of teamwork and made the revision process straightforward.

In conclusion, this project not only helped us develop our film review skills but also showed us the benefits of collaborative digital tools. We managed to create a well-rounded review of "Divergent" and gained valuable experience in working together online.

Feel free to read our complete review on Nisa's blog and Eda's blog.

This post reflects our collaborative efforts and the practical use of Google Docs in academic settings, showcasing how technology can enhance learning and teamwork.

I am sharing the screenshots and link to our google docs file for you to take a look at our work.

That's all for today! See you later!👋
Pelin Aybay


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